Friday, November 13, 2009


Ok I am on oxygen until at least Monday when I go back to the Dr. But I swear the oxygen is great for my skin the color improves and everything, so that is a positive. Well yesterday I was on the phone with my sister and Liam decided that he was sick to so he had to put on Oxygen to it was so funny! Hayden also asked if he could were it to school. Who knew that Oxygen could be so fun!


*Jen* said...

WOW...what if you have to leave your house? Do you have a little portable tank? I know what Santa can bring your kids for oxygen tank!

suz said...

Yeah I have several portable tanks. You never and people sure do stare at me. that is the portable tank in the picture with Liam. The thing next to the wall is the machine and I have 50ft of tube.

Hayden Science Fair

Hayden Science Fair

Daddy's big helper

Daddy's big helper

Deer Valley Feb. 2009